Youth is that clay which can be molded in either shape one wants. The role of youth in nation building by mohan rao bhagwat. The role of the youth in nationbuilding in recent times has generated serious discussions. Youth also have to seek information from the middle aged and the senior citizen groups concerned with various disciplines. Youth as nation builders by jules dunham for nonprofit quarterly how youth can contribute to nation building for the new citizen in tolongbo youths role important in nation building. First, the impact of nigerian tribune has been very vital in the process of nation building in nigeria. Youth and nationbuilding in cameroon african books collective. I wish and believe that the book the role of youth in nation building certainly will be an asset and serve as a beacon of light for the youth of our nation. The role of the youth in nation building essay example. Role of youth in nation building i thought it would be better to discuss the role of youth in nations building. Thus, the involvement of youth in national development is a must. The term nation building is usually used to refer to a constructive process of engaging all citizens in building social cohesion, economic prosperity and political stability in an inclusive and democratic way. Independent television and radio recommended for you. So, youths of today play very significant role to demonstrate strong leadership potential.
In conclusion, the role of the youth in the nation building is crucial. Youth power is a recognized force in the world today. They play a pivotal role in socioeconomic changes and development of society and country. The provision of these basic amenities eventually boils down to being the responsibility of the present youth who will be leading the next generation. Role of the youth in nation building the young people may be inspired and encouraged to adopt villages or other suitable units of operation, where they may concentrate on the improvement of physical and social environment. Youth is that powerful resource, which can either construct or destruct the whole nation. Aug 08, 2015 the role of youth in nation building the qualities of tomorrows leaders lies in the characters of todays followers according to nigerias national youth development policy 2001, the youths comprise all young persons of ages 18 to 35, who are citizens of the federal republic of nigeria. Back in industrial revolution, the introduction of technologies, transportation and manufacturing had a deep impact on the social, economic and cultural. So also, is the case with other countries where the students were. Every year on 12th august, the world celebrates international youth day. I once heard a song by cock sparrer, and in that song are the lines, because youre young, youre torn between a world of hate, and a world of dreams. The role of youth in nation building glocal khabar. Series nation building science other titles role of the nigerian youth in nation building. Feb 02, 2016 youth are the engine room of every nation.
Development goals targets and youth bulge, national integration, nation building. They can be utilized as a constructive and as a destructive force by any nation. Well, the role of youth in nation building is a very important question to answer. It is the youth of a country that plays the most important role in nation building. The theme of youth played heavily in malaysian prime minister najib razaks visit to sendai on tuesday. According to me, youth is that spark which needs no ignition. In my belief, this is the sole reason for both exploitation and utilization of youth in the destruction and construction of any nation respectively. What is the role of the youth in national development. Role of youth in nation building k g suresh my faith is in the younger generation, the modern generation, out of them will come my workers. And ones potential can be utilized fully during their youth. The term nation building is usually used to refer to a constructive process of engaging all citizens in building social cohesion, economic prosperity. The leadership of youth in nation building education essay.
Nation building aims at the unification of the people within the state so that it remains politically stable and viable in the long run. Aug 23, 2017 young people are the energized group bubbling with enthusiasm. The role of youth in nation building youth ki awaaz. Youth is the joy, the little bird that has broken out of the eggs and is eagerly waiting to spread out its wings in the open sky of freedom and hope. Youth is the period between childhood and adult hood, while nation buildin. Visiting tohoku universitys kawauchi campus, prime minister najib said in a special lecture that as innovation these days is driven by youth, youth must therefore be the backbone of any society that wishes to prosper. Essay on role of youth in nation building in 200 words. Tsav faculty of education, nasarawa state university, keffi, pmb 1022 abstract. The countries which utilize their youth in as right direction are more developed. Nation building quotes 50 quotes goodreads share book.
This is an assets approach to youth participation in development which appreciates and mobilizes individual or group talents and strengths, rather than focusing only on deficits needs, problems or. The role of youth in nation building the qualities of tomorrows leaders lies in the characters of todays followers according to nigerias national youth development policy 2001, the youths comprise all young persons of ages 18 to 35, who are citizens of the federal republic of nigeria. This will lead to socioeconomic progress and help to channelize the energies, enthusiasm and ide. Either way, it is helpful to get an imagination for who is playing what roles in order to encourage talents and gifts. The findings in this study is therefore summarized as follows. It distributes privileges, and responsibilities, rights and duties, in term of separate statuses.
Okolo 2009 said that to build a youth with a sense of hope, self confidence, imagination, creativity and pride in the nations heritage, youth who represent hope in the future of their nation, youth who are disciplined, well focused, law abiding and good citizens, youth full of the spirit of entrepreneurship, self reliance, mutual cooperation. The role of youth in building the nation presented by. According to harris mylonas, legitimate authority in modern national states is connected to popular rule, to majorities. Are we really independent or still struggling for the real independence. Time has come to make a commitment to build a strong nation with universal. If this enthusiasm and ideas are regulated and utilized in a proper way, then the youth can create a revolution which w.
The role of youth in nation building 1978 edition open. But then it would only be effective if the youth put in their sincere and selfless efforts to the different roles they are taking up in the name of humanity. Youth plays an important role in nation building just getting educated, involving yourself in politics and making the rightful use of social media is not going to eradicate every single problem in this country. Different age groups are considered young in different countries. The youth are the cornerstone to societal rejuvenation. In fact, youths play one of the most important roles in nation building. Dec 20, 2016 role of youth in building the nation 1. Dec 09, 2017 the role of the youths in nation building is too relevant to be jettisoned, as they serve as the backbone of a society. They can change the future of the society with their well being and courageous behavior. Role of youth in nation building 1 this was one of the reasons why such large number of good roads existed in germany during the last war. During the eighties, the youth power made itself prominent. Role of youth in national development essay 561 words cram. Youth also have to seek information from the middle aged and the senior citizen groups concerned with various disciplines to ensure that the youth achieve their role for the society in future. Responsibilities abandoned today return as more acute crises tomorrow.
The youths play a vital role in the constructive process of building social cohesion, economic prosperity and political stability in a nation in an. Youth power is a recognised force in the world today. Roles may be formal like the small group leader or they may be informal like a motivator during an activity. What we need to realize is that every person in our community, from volunteer leader to new student, plays a unique role or set of roles. Nation building involves social harmony, infrastructure development and economic growth of the nation. Youth can be the heroes of a nations future, argues rizwan anwar, 24, a correspondent from lahore in pakistan, who offers a list of nationbuilding roles that youth can assume. The role of the youth in nation building essay sample.
A nation can only progress when the energy of youth is constructively. With approximately twothirds of its population being 40 years and under, guyana has a wealth of human capital to tap into and propel the nations growth and development. The absence of peace means that no meaningful development can take place. Free essays on role of youth in national development through. Swami vivekananda suddenly several cars on delhis busy ito locality just near the police headquarters screeched to a halt during peak evening hours on a working day recently. During the eighties, the youth power made itself prominent in many socialist countries of europe and in china. Role of the youth in nation building youth power is a recognized force in the world today. Role of the youth in nation building 1484 words bartleby. The role of the youth in nation building is too relevant to be jettisoned they serve as the backbone of a society. Show me the heroes that the youth of your country look up to, and i will tell you the future of your country. Nation building is possible only when all the citizens are involved in the development of the nation. Youth is the period between childhood and adult hood, while nation building is the group of people living under certain territory and. The role of engineers in nation building the perspective of professionalism and work ethics engineers are one of the important assets of a nation.
Nov 15, 2016 so apart from the above roles of the youth, youths also have a role to study since it is the key to success and development. Nepals national youth policy defines the age group of 16 to 40 years as a youth. Everyone can contribute towards it according to his or her capabilities. Role of the youth in nation building essay example for free newyorkessays database with more than 65000 college essays for studying. Young people are social actors of change and progress. It is also used to mean the quality or state of being young hornby, 2007. They are problem solvers, have a positive influence on other young people and the nation, and are extremely ambitious. They are a crucial segment of a nations development. Harnessing our human capital for production and productivity requires having. Book the holy bible tells us that young men dream dreams. Dec 05, 2007 in our todays youth forum we bring you a very critical topic on the role of youth in nation building. Youths policy affirms that the extent of the youths responsible conduct and roles in society is.
Therefore, the role of youth on national development cannot be over. The role of youth in nation building exotic india art. Participation of youth in nation building employment news. Role of youth in nation building essay download pdf. So apart from the above roles of the youth, youths also have a role to study since it is the key to success and development. Secondly, the nation is a country considered as a group of. Yes, it is very true that we got freedom on 15 august, 1947. The role of the youths in nation building is too relevant to be jettisoned, as they serve as the backbone of a society. Youth shape the future of a nation by replacing the previous generation in key political, social and cultural roles. The focus of this paper was to show the instrumentality of youth empowerment to nationbuilding in nigeria.
Mar 30, 2016 the role of the youth in nationbuilding in recent times has generated serious discussions. One key area of any community is the roles that people play. Nationbuilding aims at the unification of the people within the state so that it remains politically stable and viable in the long run. The study which critically examine the the role of press in nation building with references to nigerian tribune. Age is basically a biological factor, contributes to social differentiation. What is the main role of the youth in developing a country. The task of nation building is very challenging and can be divided into phases. Oct 03, 2016 the role of youth in nation building alyssa real. It is a fact that, the nations building is highly dependent on youth.
Youthnation is an indispensable brand roadmap to the youthdriven economy. In our todays youth forum we bring you a very critical topic on the role of youth in nation building. Youth are not only the leaders of tomorrow, but also the partners of today. Tvet and a promised national youth policy are laudable and deserving to be expanded through learning and benefiting from the past, looking at the opportunities presented in the world today, thinking big. Building on its global convening role, the united nations is uniquely placed to act as a source of protection and support for young people, and a platform through which their. Jain for the truibune role of the youth in nationbuilding by rhys marva a prezi in filipino. The youth parliament debate politics debate part 1 duration. The youth are filled with tremendous energy and towering ambitions. Churchill links the youth day to ongoing discussions in africa about the role and place of youths as agents of development in africa. The guide goes beyond the rhetoric of many policy advocacy papers by exploring key issues and. They can make or mar a nation based on what is programmed in them. The role of the youth in the nation building occupies the central place.
It is a fact that the more stronger the youth, the more developed the nation is. Pdf role of the youths in nation building researchgate. Your pride for your country should not come after your country becomes great. Nation building is the process through which these majorities are constructed. The role of nigerian youth in nation building by alabede. I thought it would be better to discuss the role of youth in nations building. Young people are the energized group bubbling with enthusiasm. The continuous high levels of unemployment and underemployment hinder this progression, and therefore require deliberative thinking and actions. This causes regular revolutions in values and ideas as people reach adulthood and take over for others. Introduction the term nation building is usually used to refer to the. In youth ministry many youth leaders must come to grips with the reality that they cannot fill every role. The role of the youth in the nationbuilding occupies the central place. The role of the youths towards the nation building first of all we have that the youths are the period between childhood and adulthood. Long and short essay on role of youths in nation building.
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